Connect with Elmwood Park's Vibrant Business Community

Strengthening Communities by Supporting Local Businesses

We create a thriving economy by offering networking opportunities, highlighting the unique features of our borough, nurturing local leadership, and representing businesses in government and industry circles.

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Strategic Partnerships

Elmwood Park

The Elmwood Park Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to helping local businesses succeed and improving our community’s overall well-being. By forming strategic partnerships, launching innovative programs, and providing strong advocacy, we assist businesses of all sizes in overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities, and accessing valuable resources.

Our goal is to create a thriving business environment that drives growth and fosters lasting relationships in Elmwood Park and beyond.

increased networking opportunities
members feel better supported in their economic growth

Our Members

The Elmwood Park Chamber of Commerce proudly represents a diverse group of members, from small businesses to large enterprises across various industries. Each member is essential in boosting our local economy, building community connections, and sparking innovation in our borough.

Andrew Tisselano

Lorraine Pellegrine


Join us at the Elmwood Park Chamber of Commerce, where our events unite the business community, encourage growth, and nurture valuable connections.

Elmwood Park Chamber’s Holiday Party

Celebrate the Holidays with Elmwood Park Chamber Date, Time: 17 Desember, 6.30 PM Location: VFW,

Falling for Our Fallen

Falling for Our Fallen Date: Sunday, October 27th Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Location:

Vietnam War Memorial Unveiling

Vietnam War Memorial Unveiling Saturday, October 19th 11 AM Guest speaker: Mayor of Fair Lawn

Looking to Expand Your Business?

Become a member of the Elmwood Park Chamber of Commerce and engage with a thriving network of professionals. Enjoy exclusive resources and discover opportunities to elevate your business. Join us today!